Matelica, the sweet town with the stormy past

Green hills and excellent wine

It is said that any person that runs seven times around the fountain on Piazza Enrico Mattei, in the city of Matelica, will receive “Patente da mattu”, which is a license for being a crazy person. Be that as it may, this quirky little town is well worth a visit. Recent archaeological excavations has shown that there has been people living here since the the Palaeolithic era.

It is not hard to grasp why. Its location in the Esino valley, surrounded by dreamy hills where small farms and vineyards slumber, is absolutely magnificent and also provides the town with ample supplies of excellent food and drink.

During its long history, it seems as if everyone has wanted a part of it, it has belonged to the Roman as well as the Byzantine empire, and it has also been one of the Papal states, directly governed by the pope. In a place such as this, history is important and it shows. The bell tower watching over the city square dates back to the 12th century, but compared to what this town has to offer, it is but a baby. The Civic and Archaeological Museum that resides in the carefully restored Palazzo Finaguerra contains archaeological material from every historical drama that Matelica has partaken of. Its exhibitions span over the entire time period Europe has been inhabitated by man, and tells a fascinating story of how Italy came to be what it is today. The building in itself is both beautiful and fascinating, with its frescoes and incredibly ornate doors, walls and ceiling.

After this walk down memory lane, one is probably a wee bit peckish, but not to worry, there is plenty to eat and drink in Matelica. The farms sprinkling the countryside surrounding the town still hold the local breed of cow, Marchigiana, and of sheep, Fabrianese. They also produce a spectacular honey called Millefiori, or thousand flowers, its name referring to all the wild flowers that lends it its distinctive taste. Any of the many restaurants in town will transform these fantastic farm products into their own versions of the regional specialities and serve with an excellent local wine.

Matelica is especially renowned for its rolling green hills, vineyard landscapes and excellent wine. The most famous wine produced here is the Verdicchio wine. This white wine is made from verdicchio grapes grown in vineyards near the town of Matelica. The Verdicchio is noted for its fragrant, fresh and harmonious character.

No, it is certainly not a coincidence that Matelica has been inhabited for so long. Watch out, or you just might become one of the settlers of this charming town.