Ponza - Italy’s island of secrets

Ponza is the largest of all the Pontine Islands archipelago of Italy, situated about 21 kilometers south of Cape Circeo, which is located on the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Ponza, among other things, is famous for its caves, which are still steeped in a crest of mythology, much of which originate from the belief that this island was the place, from which Homer had drawn inspiration when he wrote about the Circe’s Islands in his epic, the Odyssey. As if to do justice to that belief, the entire island is still filled covered by a mythical tinge, and there is still a magical feel that looms in its air, making it one of the most attractive places in Italy. Right from the grottoes that were curved out by the Etruscans, to the vast botanical gardens, and the underground labyrinth to the medieval Roman tunnels, the entire place has got some ‘unexplained’ tinge in its air, which makes the island so much attractive to the tourists. While there is a string of beaches in the Ponza island, the best of them is the Chiaia di Luna.

Apart from the natural beauty, the city has a Roman as well as Greek history under its belt, and this is why, the island is home to a wide range of medieval architecture, which has Roman and Greek impact to a great extent.

This little town is basically boating and fishing port, and has a number of docks, which are large enough for large ships to dock. The biggest industry, on which the economy of the island depends is undoubtedly tourism, which is closely followed by fishing, boat building, boat repairing industries.

The island also has 4 mines and all these mines are located at the northern fringe of the island, which is the most beautiful part of the island. However, all the 4 mines are closed now by the Government, as it was accused that the mines were having an adverse effect on the flora and fauna and the wild life of the island. The island is home to some of the most endangered species of wildlife, flora and fauna.

The main sights of the island and the city include Giardino Botanico Ponziano or Ponza's Bitanical Garden, Capo Bianco or the "Cape White" Italian National Natural Monument, the famous Moon Gravel Beach or the Spiaggia di Chaia di Luna, Grotta della Maga Circe, Grotta di Ulisse o del Sangue , Monte Guardia or the Watchcout Hill, which is also the highest point in Ponza, Grotta Azzurra, Spiaggia delle Felci, Grotta del Serpente or Snake's Cave, Grotte di Pilato, Spiaggia di Le Forna, natural saltwater swimming pool located in Le Forna, Faraglioni di Lucia Rosa, Spiaggia di Frontone and Spiaggia di Santa Maria - both wonderful beach, Cala Fonte, Bue marino cave, La Caletta, cala Gaetano, Forte Papa, and the likes.

The island and the city can be reached by regular ferry services that get people to that island from places like Formia, Naples, Anzio Terracina, and the likes.